Saturday, May 26, 2012


Warning this may be TMI for some.

Well we filed our taxes... 4 years worth, big return. Dave has interviewed for a new job and once everything is signed he will be starting in the near future, with a pretty decent pay bump.

H is doing well in preschool doing so much motor development and is getting discharged from speech therapy!

Addy is growing up too fast when asked she says she is three and she just turned two end of march ;)

and I found out i was pregnant on Thursday! I had a cyst pop early this month on day 12 of my cycle. i thought it was possibly ovulation bleeding or even like previous pregnancies implantation (both tyler whom I lost and addy were conceived the day after my period ended.)

so I bought early test strips from it took 10-12 days to come so i thought for sure it would be turning positive soon as i had symptoms. i knew it could be because i wanted it so badly so while disappointed I was ok with it. It became clear that my body was trying to ovulate for over two weeks starting with that cyst rupturing at day12.

my cycle before I was pregnant with Tyler was 30 days long, and I have only had one good one since his loss and it was 6 weeks from the horrible ones that were one week after each-other. so on day 29 after over a week of testing and no + i was pretty sure i wasn't since these tests are so sensitive. Day 30 it was negative at 3 min went away came back a few hours later and there was a line (none had done that before) but i know there is a chance of evap lines. thought nothing of it was going to test the next day, but my cervical mucus changed. it was really really thick. !!!! so i tested that night and it showed up VERY faint at 2-3 min... Hubs like last time tried to say it wasn't a positive and i just wanted it to be positive. yadda yadda. He just dosen't believe it until they are solid lines. that photograph better than this:

 I am at most 3-3.5 weeks pregnant based on the HCG level that these test positive at. so no guarantee it will be a sticky babe but I hope so. Ive even gone to acupuncture lots of chiro and started Craniosacral therapy in hopes to balance my body so it can carry a baby better, along with takeing COQ10 and I may start baby aspirin, and will get active folate.

Oh and the last class of drivers Ed was today... when I was in it last time before we moved to bc i found out I was pregnant with Hayls lol

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